Thursday, August 6, 2009


had a gastric this early morning.
last few days did not sleep well.
before alarm rings, i already awake, this is rare.
used to be the girl who will keep sleeping even earthquake is happening.

gastric, a fren of mine, since we were in Form 3.
went to see specialist before.
there is one similarity when I went to see gastric specialist and orthopaedic specialist: I am the youngest patient there, i would consider.

those aunties who went to see doctor due to gastric or stomach problems, they would talk to me:

" You so young already got gastic ar????"

I just smile politely, nodding my head.

Don't know what reaction I should give them.

ya, i understand, i may be suffer during my old days due to the gastric problem.

i try to have my meals accordingly.
i try to avoid food that is spicy and sour.
now, i even need to stop drinking any cold drinks. ( due to my leg's injuries)

sometimes, i keep the "promises" , but sometimes, i break them.

wanna apologize to my dear stomach. so sorry.=(


  1. Miao, are u okay?
    don't stressed out and eat ur meal accordingly~
    take care =)

  2. Hi Yi Miao,

    I've just read your previous posts, knowing you hurt your leg! Hope you are doing alright now! It will take a while to fully recover, glad that you're that strong! All the best to you! Take care~ <3

    Tian Mun
