Tuesday, June 26, 2012


看到小学好朋友的结婚典礼,真的感动。 认识了十六年,从陌生人到好朋友,到因为误会而冷战,然后又和好,如同连续剧里的情节,终于,有了完美的句点。 好友面对筹备婚礼的压力,但是,本身太忙,而没有真真帮到她。 幸好,婚礼都可以算是圆满的结束。 身为主角又或者配角的我们,大家都感觉超累的。 美中不足的是,结婚当天的大妗姐非常的惹人讨厌,惹怒了所有的姐妹,大家一致通过把她列入黑名单,结婚时,绝对不请她。 全场的游戏,都被大妗姐说不能玩之类的。哎哟!到底现在谁是主啊????? 把姐妹送到男家后,还陪她聊了一下。感觉到她对家人的不舍,面对新家的少少恐惧,希望有朋友陪在身边。 临走前,还把花球送了给我,祝福我呢。感动。 我们不常联络,但是,每次见面,不会觉得因为久没联络而感到尴尬。 十六年的友情,细水长流,就像酒一样,越久越醇。 张好友,要幸福哦。就像我在男家临走前,对她的老公说:不要欺负她哦。 好友说:这句最“ngam"听。哈哈。

Saturday, June 16, 2012


睡到自然醒。虽然,只是睡到早上8点半,但是还是很幸福的一件事。 之后的时间,过得有点浪费。 哈,上网,看看报纸,又看看新买的书籍,然后上网,看看书籍,看看报纸。 就这样,我就悠闲地过了周末的上午。 中午时段,用在非常有意义的事情上。 在我的坚持下,终于带我的外婆去看中医,接受针灸治疗。 因为外婆的体重不轻,需要两个人的帮忙才能把她扶起。 妈,舅舅和我,载着外婆浩浩荡荡地往目的地出发。 怎么说来像去旅游多过看医生。哈哈。 看医生的时间大约是两个小时。 医生是闻名的戴居云博士。 原来看中医也不便宜,诊费和药物共两百。哗然! 晚上的时间就是堂哥女儿的生日会。 今天,我过了充实的一天。哈哈。

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June semester break 2012

Attended a two day workshop at Klang’s Botanic Resort. Never expect I have the chance to attend course at such a tranquil and relaxing environment. Swimming pools are those that I like the most! Having the chance to learn from experienced kindergarten’s principal and meeting new friends from all around Malaysia. We did a lot brainstorming and planning on the workshop, thinking of how to transform kindergarten to a place where kids love to go everyday! Lecturer from Taiwan After the workshop, I went to The Mines book fair. This is the first time I use up around 300 plus to buy story books for myself and kids. Yup, adult should read story book like what Teacher Peng Yi mentioned, from now onwards, we will live happily ever after. Back from KL, need to attend my teacher’s wedding day and dinner. Busy preparing games for those “brothers” so that they cant easily help the handsome groom to marry the bride. Dinner was a great one and we really had our gala time. Together we went on stage and sang a song to the pretty bride. Her wedding album is a “fabulous” and expensive one. She went to Taiwan to for the wedding photos shooting. It is a great album, with those breathtaking scenery in Taiwan. After all great times, then I came across the difficult times. I have to help to take care of grandma on behalf of mum because mum on holiday. At first I thought it is a easy task but actually it is a Hercules task. I almost did all the roles that my mum have done since two years ago. The second day, I feel like giving up and stressful. I really salute my mum for all that she had done for grandma. Grandma is 82 years old now. She is weak, not able to stand, which means we have to carry her slowly to the washroom. I went to market, I cooked, I help her to bath, I have to wash those dishes after I cooked, I have to remember to give her medicine after each meals. When everything settle, grandma will say that please help her to apply some oilmen on the body parts that she feels pain. In the midnight, sometimes she want to go toilet, so she will call and wake us up to carry her to the washroom. I felt sorry that I have grumble and complaining about the things that I have to do when I am doing all those alone. I wonder how mum handles all these pressure and stressful times since two years ago. One day, mum’s friends remind me of must pay attention to my mum’s health especially her blood pressure. From the experience I taking care of grandma, I understand how much my mum’s love toward grandma. Is the bond between a mother and a daughter that hold them together tightly. Sometimes mum will grumble and shout also because she really too tired d. It’s ok for me, because we are human, and human have feelings. One of the way to distress is to say it out loud, provided that you do not disturb other by doing that. Hope grandma, mother and me myself getting healthier and healthier. The journey keep going on.